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    Restoration is carried out with application of the ancient techniques, allowing to keep primary appearance and functionality that is the basic merit of restored furniture or an interior piece. That there was no vulnerability in relation to chronological essence of a product, modern methods of restoration are used extremely seldom when restoration process excludes possibility of damage of furniture.

    Restoration works usually begin with strengthening of the basic design that gives to a product primary stability. Further restoration of a facade with use of a method of veneer which is carried out by old traditions with use of hot glue. Then we renovate absent elements, a carving, laths and other elements of furniture. Some elements if it is required, are made anew, and for small superficial damages “prosthetics” is used.

    Process of painting and decorating begins with the client choice of toning. Then we make varnishing, greasing, waxing. The most expensive, but the most effective is polishing with of shellac. Roots of the given method of furnish comes from ancient times, and experts who qualitatively and skilfully use this method are so little . Experts of our workshop who use this technology of polishing, are highly esteemed by colleagues from Europe.

    Why to restore?

    The talented master of the ancient furniture, who used natural materials, creating the masterpieces, assumed that on the expiration of certain time there will be the skilled restorer, capable to products to inhale new life. Each ancient furniture possesses a shred of soul which was enclosed in due time by the master.

    Considering a question on purchasing of new furniture instead of old, whether it makes sense to estimate is it necessary to invest in new purchase which can shortly come in worthlessness and will be not restore? Or to restore furniture and element of interior which can serve still long enough as before. Can all the same the enclosed means in restoration of furniture will please still your eye and your grandsons.

    How not to do

    We often meet clients which have faced a problem of poor-quality work or a situation when money have been paid, but furniture restoration as that hasn’t been spent.

    Therefore before to bring a product for restoration, we advise to familiarize with examples of the spent restoration works of experts of this or that workshop.

    Unfortunately at present the main argument for the customer is low final cost of carried out works which makes a reservation, and finally it appears that works have been spent not completely, i.e. only “cosmetic” repair of a product has been made.


    On this illustration the commode which is subject to restoration which has visited various workshops is presented. For a recovery work the client had been brought advance payment, and works haven’t made. Finally the furniture has appeared in our workshop.

    202Now restoration process is finished also a commode has taken the primary form.

    203Also it is not necessary to try to make independently restoration works – “amateur” restoration sometimes can lead sad to consequences and then it will be already difficult to restorer to correct result of a bad conduct

    Restorers have a saying: it is possible to restore a violin on which the elephant has taken seat, but it is impossible to make anything if for the renovation the layman already undertook